Immersive Healthcare - HCA Practice patient care with Healthcare assistance training. Users will communicate with the patient by taking out and cleaning the patient's dentures Meta Quest C# Unity Jul 2021 - Mar 2022
Migrate this project to Unity 2020LTS and start using OpenXR as the Oculus was deprecating legacy CAPI/VRAPI in Unity 2019.4LTS. My task were to update Oculus Integration, update Unity 2019 to Unity 2020 and publish to applab Before updating to Unity 2020, I had to read all the Unity release notes and find the version best for our app. I could not just choose the newest release because there may be issues with VR. I also learned new features in 2020 and had to present them to other developers. Some interesting features was that during prefab view I can see other gameobjects in the scene view at the same time, most recently visited scenes can be selected, and enter safe mode when errors are found in the project while opening the editor. I documented all the steps down in case I need to go back to this as reference for another project. The steps I documented included what versions I tested, how I opened the project, what errors and warning I saw and how I resolved them In addition, I had to make sure the app in the editor and the build was functioning in Unity 2019. Once I knew everything was functioning, I updated to Unity 2020. This allowed me to understand what bugs were considered "broken". Below is an example of me testing putting soap on hand during 2019.4LTS After updating and opening the project, I entered safe mode and saw multiple errors. An example error was "Multiple precompiled assemblies with the same name included or the current platform." I would go through each error and resolve them one by one until all the errors was gone. Unity would then start reloading and enter its normal mode I then started checking if the game can be played and immediately encountered numerous errors I didn't see in 2019.4LTS. I could not change scenes, I could not talk to AIC, the microphone that detects if the user is speaking was not functioning. I noticed that there were "prefabs missing" in the inspector. I found out that when updating Unity, the dlls we used were not properly updated. I reimport the dll by selecting the reimport feature in Unity on the dlls. This resolved all the issues including the microphone I published the app to Oculus applab. Made sure all the requirements are in such as privacy policy and retrieved all the screenshots required. Below is an example of what the result of me testing the game before publishing.