, a LevelStart event will be logged
and OnDestroy()
a LevelEnd will be logged
to click buttons. There is a OnPointerClick
adb shell setprop insert-your-package-name
. Secondly, to actually print analytics information to the terminal adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
. And then thirdly adb shell setprop log.tag.FA-SVC VERBOSE
. Fourth, now launch the app. Then you need to contract FA and FA-SVC tag. adb logcat -s "FA","FA-SVC"
. Lastly, when you are done debugging adb shell setprop .none
In Firebase DebugView, I will see the events! So at least I know events are working. Now to wait 24 hours. Stay tuned...
"Your private key gives access to your project's Firebase services. Keep it confidential and never store it in a public repository.Store this file securely, because your new key can't be recovered if lost."
However, after I did that and reread the title of the documentation, it says it is for Custom server. The instructions says to copy this file to your authentication server. I don't have a custom server. I want to use firebase own server!using Firebase.Firestore;
and using Firebase.Extensions;
. I added the code if user press D, Create a new collection and a document. Note that when adding data, as the Get started says "Cloud Firestore stores data in Documents, which are stored in Collections. Cloud Firestore creates collections and documents implicitly the first time you add data to the document. You do not need to explicitly create collections or documents"